Zachariah Addison

Assistant Professor of Physics

My research focuses on the topological and geometric aspects of electronic dynamics in quantum condensed matter theory.

There are many types of electronic phases of matter: insulators, metals, semiconductors, (anti)-ferromagnets, (anti)-ferroelectrics, and superconductors to name a few. These canonical electronic phases and the phase transitions between them are distinguished by symmetry. Other electronic phases of matter, however, are described not by the symmetry of the material, but by the systems quantum topology (e.g. quantum hall systems, topological insulators, and skyrmion phases). Understanding both types of phases of matter requires the use of analytic and numeric techniques in quantum field theory. Burgeoning topics in these fields of research include quantum computation, quantum algorithms, linear and nonlinear optical responses, fractional quasiparticle dynamics, topological transport, and material functionalization.

My teaching interests include teaching a broad range of physics classes: from classical mechanics and electromagnetism to quantum mechanics and the physics of materials. I like to try and incorporate a diverse set of teaching tools (GUI, Mathematica calculations and visualizations, powerpoint, experimental demonstrations) to cater to a wide range of learning strengths and styles. I also try to involve students in my research and hope these efforts can serve as a platform for senior thesis writing and publication.

I have served as a reviewer for Physical Review B, Physical Review Letters, and Physical Review Research, and as editor for a special edition of the open access journal Symmetry. I am working on compiling a Wellesley intro-series text that will include topics covered in many of the classes in the first and second year physics major curriculum.

I am a avid classical violinist and love playing chamber music whenever I can.

Current and upcoming courses

  • For students interested in current best practices in active learning and inclusive teaching, this course provides a unique experience to learn, teach, and change the physics curriculum at Wellesley. Students will read and discuss current literature in physics education, gain practice in supporting inclusive group work, refine their own physics knowledge, and do hands-on projects to improve the studio physics experience at Wellesley College. Students must complete this course prior to working as Physics Learning Assistants. (EDUC 239H and PHYS 239H are cross-listed courses.)
  • This course provides a comprehensive development of the principles of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, the fundamental theory of electrons, atoms, and molecules. Quantum mechanics governs the building blocks of all matter, and yet fundamentally challenges our physical intuition, which is based on the behavior of everyday macroscopic objects. Topics include the postulates of quantum mechanics, the Schrödinger equation, operator theory, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, the hydrogen atom, and spin.